Bare moments after Metatarzes disappears into the refectory, a boy rushes out to the wooden frame structure that houses the bell and gives it 6 good raps with the clapper. The tones echo out over the covenant and hang in the still morning air, bringing a number of the covenfolk not up and about their business yet to their doors.
Shortly afterward, the magus Peregrine exits his sanctum and moves swiftly to the main gate area. The two watchmen bow at his approach, and the one on the low wooden tower steps to the back as the Bjornaer wizard climbs easily to the top. The grog points to a low dust smear over the olive orchard outside the gates.
"There they are, my lord, and coming this way quick. Hope it's not another bout of the wasting disease in the land!"
Peregrine peers to the northeast where the road--if you can call it that, rutted and overgrown as it is--disappears behind a half-collapsed fairy chimney. Having already seen the approaching pair during his flight, he knows what he expects to see at that corner very shortly.
"What is it, Peregrine? Or mayhap the better question is WHO is it?" The Bjornaer looks down to see the tall, burly figure of the Rus magus Domazhir Slipoi of Verditius, clad in fine robes and looking for all the world like Master of the entire covenant.
"I could not tell you, Domazhir, except that their colors are those of the governor." He starts down the ladder but leaps easily to the ground from a fair height, causing an approaching dark-haired woman in shimmering gray-green robes to clap her hands delightedly.
"Like a falcon indeed, Master Peregrine," cries Annais of Criamon. "Someday you must take me flying with you so that I may view the land for a great painting...a work that may give greater insight into the Enigma!" She peers around, her eyes drinking in the world, her fingers stroking tattoos on her arms that are sometimes visible, sometimes hidden by her robes. "What mysteries shall these emissaries bring? And how shall we solve their problems for them? Or will we?" And she smiles a secret, knowing smile.
The neatly attired horse-magus Humbertus of Guernicus arrives, clad in silken breeches and tunic in the style of the Seljuks. He smells of oranges, with just the faintest hint of the stable. "Have they arrived yet?" he asks, and Domazhir shakes his head, looking over Humbertus shoulder at the next arrival.
A barking cough heralds Iakovos of Bonisagus, clad as a caliph of Baghdad, with a large turban covering his white hair and his full beard falling almost to his waist. The rich blue and red of his gown contrast with the paleness of his face and the watery gray eyes that seem to shine with a secret fear. He says nothing, but nods to each of the magi gathered then retires to stand in the shadow of the tower. From time to time, a glimpse might show him, head down, and one hand...or is it a tentacle...slipping back into his sleeve.
"Who is not here then," says the high, almost petulant voice of Metatarzes, oldest of the magi of Mystikae Eikona, and currently the head of council, or disceptator. His usual purple robe has fruit stains from his breakfast, and his beard--small though it is--looks distinctly matted. His mustaches, long and white, have apparently dragged in the gruel pot.
Subtle glances away, a cough, and Annais' giggle cause the old wizard to glance down and grimace. "Of course, of course, have your laugh at the expense of the doddering old fool. As if I could not deal with this effectively!"
With a few muttered words,a slight motion of his left hand, and a sudden easy breeze redolent of the moment after lightning strikes, the stains and matting and gruel are swept away and Metatarzes purses his lips.
"And where are the others? Was my request not clear enough?"
The Dalmatian Afosiomenos approached his master and speaks softly so the others cannot hear. Metatarzes eyes flash with irritation.
"Drunk again?! Of all vices to which one could fall victim, common drunkenness?! I'll see him answer charges in council! I'll set him to harvesting olives! I'll..."
"You'll do what, old fool?" The tall, gangly form of Albanus of Flambeau strides, somewhat unsteadily, amongst his fellow magi. His gray hair is pulled back into a messy braid, except for the wide, blonde strand that runs from crown to ear. "I am not drunk, just tired after a long night in the lab. If my familiar ran about telling tales like some do, I should have him whipped and locked in the kennel for a few days."
Afosiomenos snorts and goes to lie in the shade of the watchtower, apparently not bothered by Iakovos and his...problems.
Before the two older magi can begin to argue in earnest, two things happen.
First, Tellus of Bonisagus arrives. He is dressed neatly if not as richly as his cohorts. His hands show evidence of scrubbing but he has clearly been working in his favorite element this morning--the earth.
And the watchmen give a shout for around the distant fallen tower come two horsemen. They ride swiftly into the covenant proper as the grog on the ground holds the gate open, rein in and dismount. Like magic (and maybe it is) two covenfolk appear to hold the horses while the Turks walk toward the gathered magi, brushing dust from their still vibrantly colored clothing.
The man in front is shorter than the man behind, and his clothing is a deep blue with the scarlet and gold sash of the governor's guard across his shoulder. His pointed steel helm glistens in the sunlight. He says nothing but his hand on his sword hilt show he is ready should any danger threaten.
The man behind is of medium height but broad in chest and waist, perhaps having enjoyed a little too much of the Sultan's largesse. He is clean-shaven, and perhaps 50 years of age. He wears a flat cap that fairly drips with jewels and his hair is both short and black. His clothing is even brighter and bejeweled than his cap, and embroidered with intricate designs. On his hand is a large gold ring.
"Assalamu Alikum," he says and extends his hand to Metatarzes.
The old magus' face lights up with joy and he grasps the man's hand and replies, "Peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you as well, Yusuf Muharrem, and what brings you out of Nyssa to our humble home?"
There is murmuring at Metatarzes' words. Can it be the governor himself riding out to a nest of heathens and giving the Islamic greeting to them?
"You know me too well, Tarzuhs," the governor says, "to believe I am out for a pleasure ride. There is a serious matter to discuss with you and the brethren, concerning enough that I should ride out on a high day of the Christians and risk the anger of their priests. Let us adjourn to your council hall so that ears not intended should not hear what I have to say."
And as swiftly as that the covenfolk are dispersed and the magi follow Metatarzes and Yusuf Muharrem Beg into the great rock formation that contains the great hall and the council chamber of Mystikae Eikona.
(to be continued)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Morning Has Broken, Please Can You Fix It?
August 15, 1220.

The sun rises early on the Feast of the Dormition, even in Cappadocia. Even on a covenant full of possibly heretical magicians and wizards.
So the day dawns in heat and humidity, for this summer has been hot and wet, far more than is usual in this part of Asia Minor.
The covenant of Mystikae Eikona begins to awaken, though not as early as the monastic houses a few miles to north and south. In fact their bells tolling the death and resurrection of the Most Holy Theotokos which is commemorated on this day are what awaken those whose duties require them to be up early.
The handful of covenfolk about at this hour are not at all bothered by the falcon which stoops from the sky over the fairy chimneys and other rock formations of the covenant, but they do turn and watch expectantly as the handsome avian wheels around one of the single-capped chimneys and then lands on a small balcony near its top before fluttering through a door leading inward. A few moments later a fresh-faced young man in a simple homespun robe steps out onto the balcony and stands watching those below.
This central area of the covenant is triangular, bounded on the southeast by a long, low stone building that houses servants quarters and the kitchen; on the northeast by the large, multicapped fairy chimney which contains the covenant great hall, library and other such “public rooms”, and to the west by three singlecapped chimneys (from one of which the young man watches).
Heavy brush fills most of the gaps to the east, but to the west haphazardly placed fair chimneys lead to the western wall of the small valley, and a Byzantine-style carved façade which clearly opens into caves within the cliff.
Only the space between the east end of the building and the east end of the “great hall” fairy chimney is unobstructed, but two armed and armored men are visible there, one on a wooden platform raised about 10 feet above the ground, the other standing beside the clearly marked pathway at its foot.
Around the base of the “falcon tower” appears an old man. He is of medium height and balding, with gray hair around the crown of his head, a light tuft of the same on his chin, and long—very long—gray mustaches. At his side trots a beautiful Dalmatian hound. The old man does not seem to notice the younger man gazing down from the balcony, but the dog looks up and says “Good morning, Master Peregrine, did you have a pleasant outing this morning?”
Master Peregrine laughs aloud and replies “Indeed I did, good Afosiomenos, though not as pleasant as the hunt we enjoyed two days past.”
Afosiomenos, which is Greek for “Spot”, snorts. “A wasted effort, Master Peregrine, for Master Metatarzes would not let either of us enjoy that feast of quail which we flushed, citing the strictures of the Dormition Fast. A waste of good meat, and at any event *I* am a hound and not a Christian.”
Again Master Peregrine laughs. “Say that not so loudly that the monks hear you, oh hound. But today the fast is ended and you shall have a feast indeed, if I know your Master at all in spite of my brief time here. But look you, tell Metatarzes that as I passed over the Zelve road, I spied two horsemen riding fast from the direction of Cavuscin and as they wear the colors of Yusuf Muharrem Beg of Nyssa, I daresay they are coming here.”
The hound looks toward the receding back of his Master, then back at the young man above. He gives a low “wuff!” like a clearing of the throat and then says in a voice more reedy and petulant than before, “Then as the youngest and newest of the covenant’s magi I suggest you attire yourself in something other than a blanket to cover your nakedness after indulging your heartbeast, and get you to the entry tower to greet out visitors. Meanwhile I shall have breakfast. Afosiomenos shall call the others.”
The Dalmatian turns and runs off toward the other fairy chimneys, but not before giving Master Peregrine a sly wink.
Each of the magi except Peregrine is called to his door by Afosiomenos and asked to come as soon as possible to the central court.
Metatarzes message to you is thus:
“A visit from envoys of Muharrem Beg is not to be taken lightly. What he may want I do not know, but for him to send men on one of the twelve great feasts of the Christian church is highly irregular. That they ride swiftly and not at the usual leisurely pace of the Seljuk Rum is also irregular. Pray that it is more a social visit than one requiring our…especial skills. Come quickly. Iakovos, for God’s sake try to be presentable! Humbertus, do NOT come smelling of horses! Nor Domazhir, should you smell of the forge and sweat—I know you were working all night! And…do you know the olive trees are bearing rather early this summer? It must be all the rain we’ve had…”
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Feast of the Dormition -- the Eastern Orthodox name for what the Western Church calls The Assumption. The Orthodox do not hold the bodily assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven after her death to be a dogmatic matter but rather one of personal opinion--that is, a Christian may believe it or not. What *is* required is a belief in Her death and resurrection by Her Son, the Christ. It is preceded by a fast from August 1st.
Theotokos - literally "God-bearer". The Virgin Mary.
Yusuf Muharrem Beg - the Beg is a provincial governor of the Seljuk Turks. Yusuf Muharrem being the current officeholder in the city of Nyssa.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Excerpt from a tractatus regarding the Covenant of Mystikae Eikona
From “Covenants of the East” by Tarkeniotes filius Argentios ex Mercere
Mystikae Eikona is a covenant in Cappadocia of Asia Minor. It is located in rough ground south of the Seljuk city of Avanos, and east of the subterranean town of Goreme. The closest village is Zelve, about a mile as the crow flies, but 5 on foot.
Mystikae Eikona is 75 years old and has not developed as swiftly as other similarly aged covenants have done, primarily because it is not within the bounds of a Tribunal. It is north of the Levant Tribunal and east of the Theban Tribunal, in Seljuk Rum.
While the covenant does send representatives, by invitation, to the two Tribunals, the magi of Mystikae Eikona have never come down in favor of one or the other. They seem happy enough to continue in their relative isolation from the politics of the two Tribunals and the Order, though they are somewhat willing to offer aid and support when needed. Whether this situation is allowed to continue much longer remains to be seen.
Physically the covenant is located in a minor valley to the southeast of Pasabag, and is housed in a series of stone geological forms known by the quaint name of "fairy chimneys", as well as caves in the valley wall. For those Merinita and others with an interest in things fae, there is no evidence that “fairy chimneys” actually have anything to do with the fae. Many do, however, have a distinct magical aura.

At the creation of the covenant, then known as Veneficus Specus (the reason for the change of name is explained below), three founding magi chose a three-capped form that had a large ground level hall and a number of upper rooms for use of themselves and their servants. Each of the three caps became a sanctum for the magi.
The almost immediate arrival of three more like-minded magi resulted in a temporary use of nearby single-cap forms which eventually, because of their slight distance from the immediate area of the “main hall” became the preferred locations for sanctum and laboratory space.
Through the years the covenant has expanded to now fill a number of the fairy chimneys as well as the extensive cave complex in the western wall of the gorge. It is not known exactly how far the caves extend. There has been only intermittent exploration due to labor shortages, but at least one of the magi, a self-professed authority, believes they may reach to Goreme and beyond.

As of August 1220, the population of magi at Mystikae Eikona is eight: two of the original founders, Metatarzes filius Argentios ex Bonisagus, and Albanus filius Flammaria ex Flambeau, and two of the magi who arrived shortly after the founding and who are also accorded status as founders, namely Iakovos filius Zoraya ex Bonisagus and Annais filia Guillemaque ex Criamon, and three relatively youthful magi anywhere from one to two decades past their Gauntlet who either were apprenticed to one of the founders or came from another covenant. There is also a true newcomer from House Bjornaer.
The other founders having entered Final Twilight or having met their fate in an unfortunate misunderstanding with Kaykhusraw, the Seljuk Sultan who seized Konya from the Crusaders in 1205. The matter was quietly handled with support from House Jerbiton (one of whose members died at the hands of sultanate guards) and the Sultans have been reasonably quiescent toward the covenant since that time.
Mystikae Eikona supports itself through limited agriculture and a small tin mine. Tin being rare in Asia Minor, but useful for many things, the income is respectable if not noteworthy.
In the last decade, a junior magus and a custos of the covenant have established a farm for the raising of horses—an appropriate occupation perhaps, in this land whose name derives from the Persian for “land of beautiful horses”. The farm is actually about three miles from the main covenant site, for obvious reasons.
The covenant also recently has invested in a pottery works at Avanos.
It is not unlikely that the magi use their particular talents to enhance their mining, horseflesh, and pottery. They are not wealthy but they can meet their needs without undue hardship.
The grog population includes specialists in mining and equine husbandry. If they continue their pursuit of pottery, they will likely want a specialist in that field too.
Among the more interesting features of the covenant:
--all founding magi have individual fairy chimneys as their sanctums; the younger magi either have sanctums in the cave complex or in one of the larger multi-capped fairy chimneys.

--in 1204 as Constantinople was being over-run by Crusaders, the founders approached the magi of Sinews of Knowledge in the Greater Alps, from which one of their number had come. The result of conversations between the two covenants was the creation of a Hermes Portal between them. This has proven a godsend for swift message-bearing by the Redcaps between the West and the Levant, as well as provided an outlet both directions for support of Mystikae Eikona and covenants even further to the east. No one knows exactly what the terms for creation were, or exactly why the magi of Mystikae Eikona felt they needed such a link. Many magi of the Greater Alps and Rhine Tribunals however express a certain wistful appreciation for its existence, and have been known to "vacation", however briefly, in the relative warmth of Asia Minor during long cold northern winters. Mystikae Eikona maintains two good quality "apartments" for visiting magi.
--As the covenant expanded, a chamber was discovered in the cave system that had clearly been a chapel of some sort. It had a distinct divine aura, though rather weak. Within the chamber, ikonography covered the walls, the colors still vibrant after many years closed and sealed. The eastern wall has an altar table before it, and on that wall is a large bas-relief ikon of an unknown saint. What is unique is that here, within a divine aura, is an ikon with a powerful magic aura. Why the divine aura has not faded to nothing ness is unknown. But the hall itself is a favored place among the magi and their companions for quietude and contemplation. A story told of the space is that a particularly violent and contentious meeting of the covenant council adjourned to the chapel and was so calmed and eased that they were able to come to a swift resolution of their difficulty. Why the strange juxtaposition, and who the saint may be (and why the ikon bears such a strong magic aura) are questions that have not ever been answered.
The covenant maintains reasonably friendly relations with the mundanes in the area. It has a regular contract for tin with the Seljuk Sultan Kaykaus (son of Kaykhusraw) in Konya to the west, and is believed to have begun its equine project at the urging of a Rum noble from Kayseri. The locals are respectful but wary about the magi, though the grogs are welcomed in Zelve, Goreme and Avanos with no problems.
Mystikae Eikona is a fair example of a covenant. It has some minor issues that will need to be dealt with in the near future, most pressing the question of Tribunal affiliation--it is not likely the Order will allow continued "autocephaly" from either Tribunal in the region--but on the whole it is stable and productive.
Mystikae Eikona is a covenant in Cappadocia of Asia Minor. It is located in rough ground south of the Seljuk city of Avanos, and east of the subterranean town of Goreme. The closest village is Zelve, about a mile as the crow flies, but 5 on foot.
Mystikae Eikona is 75 years old and has not developed as swiftly as other similarly aged covenants have done, primarily because it is not within the bounds of a Tribunal. It is north of the Levant Tribunal and east of the Theban Tribunal, in Seljuk Rum.
While the covenant does send representatives, by invitation, to the two Tribunals, the magi of Mystikae Eikona have never come down in favor of one or the other. They seem happy enough to continue in their relative isolation from the politics of the two Tribunals and the Order, though they are somewhat willing to offer aid and support when needed. Whether this situation is allowed to continue much longer remains to be seen.
Physically the covenant is located in a minor valley to the southeast of Pasabag, and is housed in a series of stone geological forms known by the quaint name of "fairy chimneys", as well as caves in the valley wall. For those Merinita and others with an interest in things fae, there is no evidence that “fairy chimneys” actually have anything to do with the fae. Many do, however, have a distinct magical aura.

At the creation of the covenant, then known as Veneficus Specus (the reason for the change of name is explained below), three founding magi chose a three-capped form that had a large ground level hall and a number of upper rooms for use of themselves and their servants. Each of the three caps became a sanctum for the magi.
The almost immediate arrival of three more like-minded magi resulted in a temporary use of nearby single-cap forms which eventually, because of their slight distance from the immediate area of the “main hall” became the preferred locations for sanctum and laboratory space.
Through the years the covenant has expanded to now fill a number of the fairy chimneys as well as the extensive cave complex in the western wall of the gorge. It is not known exactly how far the caves extend. There has been only intermittent exploration due to labor shortages, but at least one of the magi, a self-professed authority, believes they may reach to Goreme and beyond.

As of August 1220, the population of magi at Mystikae Eikona is eight: two of the original founders, Metatarzes filius Argentios ex Bonisagus, and Albanus filius Flammaria ex Flambeau, and two of the magi who arrived shortly after the founding and who are also accorded status as founders, namely Iakovos filius Zoraya ex Bonisagus and Annais filia Guillemaque ex Criamon, and three relatively youthful magi anywhere from one to two decades past their Gauntlet who either were apprenticed to one of the founders or came from another covenant. There is also a true newcomer from House Bjornaer.
The other founders having entered Final Twilight or having met their fate in an unfortunate misunderstanding with Kaykhusraw, the Seljuk Sultan who seized Konya from the Crusaders in 1205. The matter was quietly handled with support from House Jerbiton (one of whose members died at the hands of sultanate guards) and the Sultans have been reasonably quiescent toward the covenant since that time.
Mystikae Eikona supports itself through limited agriculture and a small tin mine. Tin being rare in Asia Minor, but useful for many things, the income is respectable if not noteworthy.
In the last decade, a junior magus and a custos of the covenant have established a farm for the raising of horses—an appropriate occupation perhaps, in this land whose name derives from the Persian for “land of beautiful horses”. The farm is actually about three miles from the main covenant site, for obvious reasons.
The covenant also recently has invested in a pottery works at Avanos.
It is not unlikely that the magi use their particular talents to enhance their mining, horseflesh, and pottery. They are not wealthy but they can meet their needs without undue hardship.
The grog population includes specialists in mining and equine husbandry. If they continue their pursuit of pottery, they will likely want a specialist in that field too.
Among the more interesting features of the covenant:
--all founding magi have individual fairy chimneys as their sanctums; the younger magi either have sanctums in the cave complex or in one of the larger multi-capped fairy chimneys.

--in 1204 as Constantinople was being over-run by Crusaders, the founders approached the magi of Sinews of Knowledge in the Greater Alps, from which one of their number had come. The result of conversations between the two covenants was the creation of a Hermes Portal between them. This has proven a godsend for swift message-bearing by the Redcaps between the West and the Levant, as well as provided an outlet both directions for support of Mystikae Eikona and covenants even further to the east. No one knows exactly what the terms for creation were, or exactly why the magi of Mystikae Eikona felt they needed such a link. Many magi of the Greater Alps and Rhine Tribunals however express a certain wistful appreciation for its existence, and have been known to "vacation", however briefly, in the relative warmth of Asia Minor during long cold northern winters. Mystikae Eikona maintains two good quality "apartments" for visiting magi.
--As the covenant expanded, a chamber was discovered in the cave system that had clearly been a chapel of some sort. It had a distinct divine aura, though rather weak. Within the chamber, ikonography covered the walls, the colors still vibrant after many years closed and sealed. The eastern wall has an altar table before it, and on that wall is a large bas-relief ikon of an unknown saint. What is unique is that here, within a divine aura, is an ikon with a powerful magic aura. Why the divine aura has not faded to nothing ness is unknown. But the hall itself is a favored place among the magi and their companions for quietude and contemplation. A story told of the space is that a particularly violent and contentious meeting of the covenant council adjourned to the chapel and was so calmed and eased that they were able to come to a swift resolution of their difficulty. Why the strange juxtaposition, and who the saint may be (and why the ikon bears such a strong magic aura) are questions that have not ever been answered.
The covenant maintains reasonably friendly relations with the mundanes in the area. It has a regular contract for tin with the Seljuk Sultan Kaykaus (son of Kaykhusraw) in Konya to the west, and is believed to have begun its equine project at the urging of a Rum noble from Kayseri. The locals are respectful but wary about the magi, though the grogs are welcomed in Zelve, Goreme and Avanos with no problems.
Mystikae Eikona is a fair example of a covenant. It has some minor issues that will need to be dealt with in the near future, most pressing the question of Tribunal affiliation--it is not likely the Order will allow continued "autocephaly" from either Tribunal in the region--but on the whole it is stable and productive.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Ave, sodales!
This blog will be the home of an online Ars Magica 5th Edition Saga.
Don't know what Ars Magica is? It's a role-playing game set in a mythic 13th century Europe where the legends and fairy tales are real.
Under the guidance of myself and probably another person, a group of people will create and play characters that interact with this world, build their community (called a Covenant), develop their skills, live their lives, and hopefully all have fun in the process.
A note: only players and storyguides will be allowed to post here, and moderation will be enabled. Posts by non-players will be deleted. However non-players are welcome to read and follow along on the adventures of this still unamed covenant and its wizards, companions, and other inhabitants.
Oh yes, and who is Argentius? He was my first Ars Magica magus, who went a bit loopy as he aged, hooked up with a mouthy badger familiar, and yet always had a silver-tongue, a flattering way with the fae, and apparently was the only mage who appeased the powers on the Isle of Man so as not to be destroyed or chased away when he retired there--at least the storyguide in that saga never made him leave and never killed him off. :)
PS. pardon my Latin. I'm sure that rather than saying "The Sanctum of Argentius" it says something crude and obscene. Sorry. :)
This blog will be the home of an online Ars Magica 5th Edition Saga.
Don't know what Ars Magica is? It's a role-playing game set in a mythic 13th century Europe where the legends and fairy tales are real.
Under the guidance of myself and probably another person, a group of people will create and play characters that interact with this world, build their community (called a Covenant), develop their skills, live their lives, and hopefully all have fun in the process.
A note: only players and storyguides will be allowed to post here, and moderation will be enabled. Posts by non-players will be deleted. However non-players are welcome to read and follow along on the adventures of this still unamed covenant and its wizards, companions, and other inhabitants.
Oh yes, and who is Argentius? He was my first Ars Magica magus, who went a bit loopy as he aged, hooked up with a mouthy badger familiar, and yet always had a silver-tongue, a flattering way with the fae, and apparently was the only mage who appeased the powers on the Isle of Man so as not to be destroyed or chased away when he retired there--at least the storyguide in that saga never made him leave and never killed him off. :)
PS. pardon my Latin. I'm sure that rather than saying "The Sanctum of Argentius" it says something crude and obscene. Sorry. :)
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